Our Staff

Doctors Availability

Dr Neil Metcalfe : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Dr Katherine Keen: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Dr Anthony Butterfield: Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Dr Laura Bradley: Monday, Tuesday AM







We are a training surgery for students from HYMS (Hull and York Medical School) and frequently have students sitting in with the doctors. We will warn you if this is the case. You will be able to request that no students are present during your consultation, if you so wish. You may have an appointment with our year 5 medical student if you have a minor or acute illness. A GP will join the consultation at the end to ensure you are happy with your appointment.


Between them, our Practice Nurse Mary and Nurse Associate Sarah are available for chronic disease management (ie. Asthma/COPD, diabetes, ischaemic heart disease), blood tests, weight and blood pressure checks, dressings, cervical smears, and injections, including childhood vaccinations.

Healthcare Assistants

We are pleased to welcome our new Healthcare Assistant Leah to our team.

Practice Management

The Practice Manager is Barbara who supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.

Admin Team

Our admin team work very hard behind the scenes to keep the surgery running. Our administrators are Tracey and Hilary.


Our reception staff are the lifeblood of the surgery. They will greet you as you arrive, answer the phones for any queries you may have and will also assist you to collect medications and book appointments. Our excellent team is made up of Alison, Elaine, Denise, Hilary, Keely and Tracey.


Our dispensary team work very hard to ensure you receive all the medications you need in a timely manner. If an item is not in stock we can usually obtain it within 48 hours. The dispensers are Di, Julia, Karen and Tracey.

Urgent Care Practitioners

You may have an appointment with our Urgent Care Practitioners if you require an urgent appointment or need an assessment for certain conditions and symptoms.

Care Co-ordinators

A Care Co-ordinator can help you to navigate treatment plans, services, and providers. They can support you to choose the best healthcare option for you and your family, as well as providing specialist guidance in certain conditions. Our Care Co-ordinators are Gill Barrett (Cancer), Louise Gregg (Dementia Specialist), Gill Clark (Parkinson’s Nurse) and Lydia Cunniffe (Post Acute Care coordinator)

First Contact Mental Health Practitioner

Our First Contact Mental Health Practitioner can offer clinical support, advice and guidance to anyone who is experiencing difficulty with their mental health. The First Contact Mental Heath Practitioner for Stillington is called Emma.

First Contact Physiotherapist

Our First Contact Physiotherapist can provide help and information to assist you in the early management of common injuries and pain problems. The Physiotherapist for Stillington is called Tom.

Health and Wellbeing Coach

Our Health and Wellbeing Coach can support people to increase their ability to self-manage conditions, improve motivation levels, and increase commitment to changing their lifestyle. Stillington’s Health and Wellbeing Coach is Kayley, she will contact you if the surgery feel you may benefit from this type of care.

Advanced Specialist Occupational Therapist

Advanced Specialist Occupational Therapists empower people to be more independent in their everyday life, in order to improve their health, quality of life and wellbeing. This may include practical support with long-term illnesses, disabilities, ageing or accidents. The Advanced Specialist Occupational Therapist at Stillington is Jenny Porter.

Social Prescribing Link Workers

A Social Prescribing Link Worker can help you access support within your community; this may help with your wellbeing and care. Each one focuses on different aspects of patient care, but you may have an appointment with any of the following; Carla (Frailty and Finances), Lisa (Mental Health, Non-clinical team leader).

Remote Clinical Pharmacists

If you are due a medication review or request a repeat prescription, you may receive a call from one of our Remote Clinical Pharmacists. They can talk to you about the medication and will make decisions on any medication requests. Our Remote Clinical Pharmacists are Shakeel, Aysha and Harris.