Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

Stillington Surgery Patient Participation Group


It is a requirement of all General Practitioners’ Surgeries to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG).

Our group had our first meeting in January 2023 and during 2023 we have been developing our relationship with the Surgery Management Team as well as developing an understanding of our role.

Our local Group will be known as Stillington Patient Participation Group (Stillington PPG) and will normally meet 4 times per year.

Terms of Reference

The aim of Stillington PPG is to represent all patients within Stillington Surgery and work in partnership with GP’s and Practice team to improve services for patients.

Stillington PPG Aims

  • To give patient representatives and Stillington Surgery staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
  • To provide a methodology for patients to become more involved and make suggestions to improve the Healthcare services they receive.
  • To work to continuously improve the way patients and Healthcare Staff work together for mutual benefit.
  • To understand issues from patient complaints and/or surveys and contribute to action plans toward Healthcare service improvements.
  • To develop appropriate methods of communication to attempt to provide the widest possible sharing of information with Stillington Surgery patients.
  • To help make Stillington Surgery patients aware of support services available from Stillington Surgery.

Code of Conduct

  • No Stillington PPG volunteer will have access to any medical records or any other confidential information for any individual.
  • All discussions within Stillington PPG will remain confidential.
  • Action points from meetings will be published on Stillington Surgery website and on Surgery notice boards.
  • Stillington PPG members will not use meetings to resolve their own personal issues but aim to reduce the number of overall complaints.
  • Stillington PPG members will be prepared to challenge the Practice as a critical friend.
  • An AGM will be held in summer of each year.
  • Officers (Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary Treasurer) will be elected, as necessary, by PPG members and serve a 2-year term for a maximum of 3 terms.
  • A quorum for a meeting will be 50% of PPG members and 1 Stillington Surgery Practice Team member.

Stillington PPG members

The PPG is open to every patient registered with the practice. A number of volunteers (10) have come forward from a number of local villages to represent Stillington Surgery patients’ views.

The aim is to have a diverse range of ages as well as an appropriate gender mix and ethnicity.

Your current PPG representative and villages are: -

Huby – Lesley Bowes

Sheriff Hutton – Gail Lazenby

Stillington – Bev Law, Yvonne Murphy, John Pollock, Jacki Shepherd, Elizabeth Hurst

Sutton on the Forest - Chris Franklin, Linda Moore, David Brown   

Contact with PPG members can be made by email to or in writing to Stillington Surgery.


Latest minutes PPG Meeting Minutes Thursday 6 February 2025

Stillington Patient Participation Group (Stillington PPG) Meetings

The PPG will meet again on Thursday 8 May 2025 and meeting minutes will be shared here.

The PPG AGM will be held Thursday 31 July 2025 at 6pm at Stillington Surgery and is open to all patients registered with the practice.